He was obsessed with doing things in threes and would only stay in a hotel room with a room number divisible by three. Indeed, he lived the last ten years of his life in room 3327 on the 33rd floor of the Hotel New Yorker.
He never married and claimed his celibacy aided his scientific abilities.
Tesla and Mark Twain were close friends.

He made his first million at forty, but was unconcerned with material objects and gave away nearly all the royalties on his inventions after that.
He found jewellery disgusting, especially pearl earrings.
He once fired a secretary for being too fat, and sent another home to change into more tasteful attire.

He was a feminist, of a sort:
"This struggle of the human female toward sex equality will end in a new sex order, with the female as superior."
Nikola Tesla
He spoke eight languages.
He is the only physicist to date to be portrayed on film by David Bowie.
Nikola Tesla died on 7th January 1943.